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100% Natural Honey (340g)


100% Organic raw honey. Large sized glass jar.

All over the world honey is mainly known as a food and not as a medicine. These days we are now reconsidering the importance of honey for human and animal health. Many specialists from countries such as New Zealand, France, India etc have proven that honey is also a medicine if obtained and used under certain circumstances.

Today Honey is used externally for the treatment of healing wounds burns, and scars. “

Honey, considered mainly as an excellent source of energy, a natural food, has also many interesting medicinal properties.

Anti-bacterial, Antibiotic, Anti-inflammatory, energiser, immune system stimulator, laxative, calms the nervous system and helps regeneration of connective tissues and cell membrane (which in turn helps protect the cells from invasion from bacteria). The best energy for any muscle, including the heart which is a muscular pump. Honey nourishes the gums, thus helps a better nutrition of oral hygiene.
Helps with fever as Honey gives energy to the white blood cells which can then eliminate more easily the causes of the fever, i.e. bacteria, viruses.

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